生命科学研究院 Journal Club 介绍

时间:2013年06月01日 开云线上平台(集团)官方网站:2731

Journal clubs play an invaluable part of your time while pursuing graduate school studies at LSI. They serve as a ‘lure’ to entice you to read original research papers. They provide a stage to practice your public presentation skills, for interaction among faculty and students. The Clubs provide a forum to practice journal review skills, which are an essential component of your career as a biomedical researcher.

Basically, JC would serve the following functions:

1. Broaden your knowledge in Biology and Biomedicine;

2. Learn biomedical research techniques (questions they can be used to answer, their limitations, etc.);

3. Practice skills in organizing and giving scientific talks;

4. Encourage reading of primary literature;

5. Strengthen critical reading, thinking, questioning skills.