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2016.12.12 任重副教授(美国伊利诺伊大学芝加哥分校)学术报告

时间:2016年12月07日 开云线上平台(集团)官方网站:1782

报告题目:Structural Events during Translation and Proofreading in DNA Polymerase
报告人:任重 副教授
主持人:叶升 教授
时   间:2016年12月12日(周一)上午10点
地   点:纳米楼457报告厅
DNA polymerases in family B are workhorses of DNA replication that carry out the bulk of the job at a high speed with high accuracy. A polymerase in this family relies on a built-in exonuclease for proofreading. It has not been observed at the atomic resolution how the polymerase advances one nucleotide space on the DNA template strand after a correct nucleotide is incorporated, that is, a process known as translocation. It is even more puzzling how translocation is avoided after the primer strand is excised by the exonuclease and returned back to the polymerase active site once an error occurs. The structural events along the bifurcate pathways of translocation and proofreading have been unwittingly captured by hundreds of structures in Protein Data Bank. This study analyzes all available structures of a representative member in family B and reveals the orchestrated event sequence during translocation and proofreading.