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2017.4.11 Viji M. Draviam博士(英国伦敦大学玛丽皇后学院)学术报告

时间:2017年04月06日 开云线上平台(集团)官方网站:1196

报告题目:Mechanisms that Ensure the Accurate Segregation of Human Chromosomes
报告人:Viji M. Draviam 博士
主持人:何向伟 教授
时    间:2017年4月11日(周二)下午3点
地    点:纳米楼457报告厅
        Viji M. Draviam博士2002年从英国剑桥大学获得博士学位;2002-2008年先后在美国麻省理工学院和哈佛医学院从事博士后研究;2008-2015年在英国剑桥大学遗传学系任Cancer Research UK Career Development Fellow; 现为英国伦敦大学玛丽皇后学院高级讲师(Senior Lecturer)。
        Viji M. Draviam博士主要从事人类细胞中染色体分离精确性的分子机制研究。

Throughout life, the process of cell division ensures the proper replenishment of dead or injured cells. When a human cell divides into two, its chromosomes are captured by microtubules and pulledapart into two equal sets. My research group studies how human cells ensure the accurate segregation of chromosomes using a combination of high-resolution microscopy and molecular biology techniques. Errors in the segregation process can lead to irregular chromosome numbers — a hallmark of aggressive cancers. Chromosome-microtubule attachment is facilitated by a macromolecular structure called the kinetochore. I will briefly introduce our past research on human kinetochore proteinsthat revealed their role in establishing and monitoring chromosome-microtubule attachment andensuring accurate chromosome segregation. Recently, we discovered that human chromosomes are first captured along the walls of microtubules and then brought to the ends of microtubules, without detachment; we termed thisthe end-on conversion process. End-on conversion is absolutely essential for the accurate segregation of chromosomes, but the underlying regulatory mechanisms remain unclear.I will present a brief overview of ongoing research aimed at discovering the master regulators of the end-on conversion process.