会议日程:日程安排 .pdf
时间 | 内容 | 报告人 | 地点 |
1月11日 | |||
09:00-10:50 会议开幕式 主持人:冯新华 | |||
09:00-09:30 | 领导致辞&生命科学研究院2018年度工作报告 |
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09:30-10:30 | A Mysterious Role of Gamma-secretase in the Genesis of Alzheimer’s Disease | 施一公 西湖大学 | |
10:30-10:50 | 合影 | ||
10:50-11:30 共享技术服务平台 主持人:佟 超 | |||
10:50-11:10 | 2018年度平台情况介绍 | 何向伟 | 启真厅 |
11:10-11:30 | Study Weak and Instantaneous Protein-protein Interaction on Site Specific Mode with Mass Spectrometry | 杨 兵 | |
11:30-13:00 | 午餐 | ||
13:00-15:20 Session Ⅰ 肿瘤生物学 主持人:徐平龙 | |||
13:00-13:20 | WAC Promotes Polo-like Kinase 1 Activation for Timely Mitotic Entry | 汪方炜 | 求是厅 |
13:20-13:40 | Reprograming the Epigenome of Tumors with Oncohistones H3.3K27M and H3.3K36M | 方 东 | |
13:40-14:00 | Protein Acetylation and DNA Repair | 黄 俊 | |
14:00-14:20 | Metastasis:views from both inside and outside of the tumor cells | 张 龙 | |
14:20-14:40 | The Genetic Root of Heterogeneity in Liver Cancer | 赵 斌 | |
14:40-15:00 | Decoding the Ubiquitin Signaling Pathway and its Roles in Human Diseases | 金建平 | |
15:00-15:20 | New Insights into 26S Proteasome Regulation | 郭 行 | |
15:20-17:30 | 海报展&茶歇 | ||
1月12日 | |||
09:00-11:25 Session Ⅱ 干细胞与发育 主持人:赵 斌 | |||
09:00-09:45 | Novel Approaches to Dissect and Combat Leukemia | 程 涛 中国医学科学院 血液病医院 |
09:45-10:05 | Epigenetic Defects in Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer Embryos | 沈 立 | |
10:05-10:25 | Chemical Approaches for Stem Cell Biology | 祝赛勇 | |
10:25-10:45 | Regulation of mRNA Translation and Clearance during Maternal-to-Zygotic Transition in Mammals | 范衡宇 | |
10:45-11:05 | Crosstalk between Hippo and NF-κB Signaling | 宋 海 | |
11:05-11:25 | The Neural Basis of Amino Acid Sensing in Fruit Flies | 王立铭 | |
11:25-13:00 | 午餐 | ||
13:00-15:25 Session Ⅲ 分子生物学 主持人:姬峻芳 | |||
13:00-13:45 | Molecular Pathogenesis of Parkinson's Disease | 张灼华 南华大学 中南大学 | 求是厅 |
13:45-14:05 | Probing the Functions of Protein Post-translational Modifications with Genetic Code Expansion Strategy | 林世贤 | |
14:05-14:25 | Hatchet Ribozyme Product Structure and Implications for Precatalytic Fold and Cleavage Mechanism | 任艾明 | |
14:25-14:45 | Cryo-EM Structure of the Human a5b3 GABAA Receptor | 叶 升 | |
14:45-15:05 | Identifying a Novel Form of Genome Instability in Fission Yeast | 何向伟 | |
15:05-15:25 | Evolution of Sex Chromosomes in Birds and Bird-like Mammals | 周 琦 | |
15:25-15:40 | 茶歇 | ||
15:40-17:25 Session Ⅳ 感染与免疫 主持人:黄 俊 | |||
15:40-16:25 | MAPK and Wnt Pathways Cross Talk at the Intestine Stem-cell Niche by sub-crypt Stroma Cells | 苏 冰 上海交通大学医学院 上海市免疫学研究所 | 求是厅 |
16:25-16:45 | Novel Post-translational Modifications and Host Subversion by Bacterial Pathogens | 朱永群 | |
16:45-17:05 | New Insights of Cell Cycle Regulators in Peripheral T Cells Maintenance | 靳 津 | |
17:05-17:25 | Novel Mutations for Early Onset SLE and SIFD | 周 青 | |
17:25-17:50 | 闭幕式及生命科学研究院年度奖项颁奖、最佳研究生墙报奖颁奖 |