Chao Jiang, Ph.D.
Principal Investigator, Life Sciences Institute
蒋超博士现任开云线上平台(集团)官方网站研究员,博导。兼聘浙江大学附属第一医院。中国生物物理学会肠道菌群分会委员,浙江省生物信息学学会微生物组专委会委员。2008年在厦门大学取得生命科学学士学位。师从美国印第安纳大学的Yves Brun教授进行了细菌形态演变的研究,于2014年取得博士学位。后加入美国斯坦福大学Mike Snyder教授研究组进行博士后研究。博士后合作导师Mike Snyder教授是国际著名的精准化医疗和多组学研究的先驱。博士后期间,集合硬件设计、分子实验、计算统计分析方法等多领域交叉学科研究,首次全面解读人类健康研究中未知的重要组成部分-个人环境暴露组。独立后主要研究方向为:环境暴露组和微生物组与人类疾病健康以及环境的相互作用;环境暴露组、微生物组以及相关组学的分子实验技术和计算统计方法的开发;多维度环境暴露组(exposome) 的生物和化学组分的多样性以及其在时间空间上的动态变化;个体环境暴露组可穿戴监测设备的开发和运用;多组学和机器学习在精准医学的应用;新冠病毒进化。已在国际知名期刊Cell、Nature、Nature Protocols、Cell Reports、ES&T、Briefings in Bioinformatics、Cell Discovery、mSystems、iMeta、STOTEN、Nature Biotechnology、Circulation Research、Current Biology、Cell Host & Microbe、Microbiome、Genome Research等杂志发表多篇研究论文,以通讯作者在Science上发表针对新冠病毒起源时间模型分析的eLetter评论。获得国内外专利若干。目前任iMeta、Current Microbiology、Bio-protocols副主编、The Innovation Life编委。
2019- 研究员 生命科学研究院,浙江大学
2014-2019 博士后 个体化医疗中心,遗传系,斯坦福大学
2008-2014 博士 分子细胞发育生物学,印第安那大学伯明顿分校
2004-2008 学士 生命科学,厦门大学 (2007,香港大学交换)
2019- Principal Investigator
Life Sciences Institute, Zhejiang University
2014-2019 Postdoctoral Scholar
Stanford Center for Genomics and Personalized Medicine
Department of Genetics, School of Medicine
Stanford University
2008-2014 Ph.D., Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology
Minor, Bioinformatics
Indiana University at Bloomington
2004-2008 B.S., Biological Sciences
2007 The University of Hong Kong
Xiamen University, China
学术报告/Presentations:(Not an updated list)
The vast and dynamic human exposome, 2019, invited research talk, Stanford University, Stanford, CA.
Human environmental exposome revealed by extensive longitudinal personal monitoring, 2019, invited talk, SFAF meeting, Santa Fe, NM.
The vast and dynamic human exposome, 2019, invited research talk, Stanford University, Stanford, CA.
Monitoring Personal Environmental Exposome, 2019, invited talk, Gordon Research Conference, Ventura, CA.
Human environmental exposome revealed by extensive longitudinal personal monitoring, 2019, invited talk, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China.
Exposing the Human exposome by extensive longitudinal personal monitoring, 2019, invited seminar, Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute, University of Toronto, Canada.
Exposing the Human exposome by extensive longitudinal personal monitoring, 2019, invited seminar, Emory University, Atlanta, GA.
Exposing the Human exposome by extensive longitudinal personal monitoring, 2019, invited seminar, NIH, Bethesda, MD.
Exposing the Human exposome by extensive longitudinal personal monitoring, 2019, invited seminar, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN.
Exposing the Human exposome by extensive longitudinal personal monitoring, 2019, invited seminar, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY.
Exposing the Human exposome by extensive longitudinal personal monitoring, 2019, invited seminar, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN.
Exposome the human exposome, 2019, invited seminar, Stanford CEGS GGR meeting, Stanford University, Stanford, CA.
Dynamic Human Exposome Revealed by Longitudinal Personal Monitoring, 2018, invited seminar, Xiamen University, Xiamen, Fujian, China.
Dynamic Human Exposome Revealed by Longitudinal Personal Monitoring, 2018, Advanced Seminar in Microbial Molecular Biology, Stanford University, Stanford, California.
Dynamic Human Exposome Revealed by Longitudinal Personal Monitoring, 2018, ASM Conference on Rapid Applied Microbial Next-Generation Sequencing and Bioinformatic Pipelines, Tysons, Virginia.
Dynamic Human Exposome Revealed by Longitudinal Personal Monitoring, 2018, Stanford Evolgenome Seminar, Stanford University, Stanford, CA.
Dynamic Human Exposome Revealed by Longitudinal Personal Monitoring, 2018, ASHG Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA.
Dynamic Human Exposome Revealed by Longitudinal Personal Monitoring, 2018, Invited Research Talk, UCSD, San Diego, CA.
Out of the Box and Into the Cloud – NSF JRBP Strategic Planning Workshop, 2018, Invited Panel Discussion, Stanford, CA.
Dynamic Human Exposome Revealed by Longitudinal Personal Monitoring, 2018, Stanford CEHG symposium, Stanford, CA.
Dynamic Human Exposome Revealed by Longitudinal Monitoring, 2018, Precision Medicine World Conference (PMWC), Mountain View, CA.
Dynamic Human Exposome revealed by Longitudinal Personal Monitoring, 2017, Current Issues in Genetics (CIG) Seminar, Stanford University, Stanford, CA.
Design and Development of a Personal Environmental Exposure Monitoring Device, 2017, Stanford SPECTRUM center research talk, Stanford, CA.
Evolution of bacterial morphology. 2014, Molecular Genetics of Bacteria and Phages meeting, University of Wisconsin-Madison, WI. Invited talk as the recipient of Nat L. Sternberg Ph.D. Thesis Prize.
Co-option of a developmental regulator in the sequential evolution of bacterial morphology, 2013, Molecular Genetics of Bacteria and Phages meeting, University of Wisconsin-Madison, WI.
Morphological transitions in bacteria – the evolution of stalk positioning, 2012, 4th ASM Conference on Prokaryotic Cell Biology and Development, Montreal, Canada.
The evolution of bacterial morphology. Indiana University Microbiology Retreat Research Talk, 2013, Martinsville, IN.
Evolution of the positioning of a bacterial organelle, 2012, Department of Biology Research Talk, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN.